RichFaces is a rich component library FROM JBOSS for JSF. It is an advanced framework for easily integrating AJAX capabilities into your business application development. The latest version of RichFaces is 3.1.2. RichFaces differs from other AJAX approaches by enabling page-oriented AJAX support instead of the traditional component-oriented support. This means you can define an event in the page that invokes a particular AJAX request and then you can also define those areas of the page that need to be synchronized with the JSF Component Tree after this particular AJAX request is processed on the server. To find out its key features, functions, tutorials, Wiki and Downloads please visit this link. Technorati Tags: JSF , RichFaces , JBoss , Ajax
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The AJAX Tag Library is a set of JSP tags that simplify the use of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) technology in JavaServer Pages. This tag library fills that need by not forcing J2EE developers to write the necessary JavaScript to implement an AJAX-capable web form. The tag library provides support for live form updates for the following use cases: autocomplete based on character input to an input field, select box population based on selections made from another field, callout or balloon popups for highlighting content, refreshing form fields, and toggling images and form field states on/off. Links: Project Home : Here Download Latest : Click Here Download the demo application : Click Here Technorati Tags: Ajax , Ajax tags , JSP , Java , Web
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Google Collections Library is the extension of Java 1.5 Collection Framework. As we all know the collection framework is mostly used to handle objects in the Java Programming. So I think an extension API to this Its a very interesting as well as useful development to the Java world. Now Google is released its ALPHA version. This API includes so many new types, utility classes and some other helper implementations. The major new types are: - BiMap. A Map that guarantees unique values, and supports an inverse view.
- Multiset. A Collection that may contain duplicate values like a List, yet has order-independent equality like a Set. Often used to represent a histogram.
- Multimap. Similar to Map, but may contain duplicate keys. Has subtypes SetMultimap and ListMultimap providing more specific behavior.
Static utility classes include: - Comparators. Natural order, compound, null-friendly, ad-hoc . . .
- Iterators and Iterables. Element-based equality, cycle, concat, partition, filter with predicate, transform with function . . .
- Lists, Sets and Maps. A plethora of convenient factory methods and much more.
- PrimitiveArrays: "boxing"/"unboxing" of primitive arrays
Please find the API documentaion here. Google Collection API Project home you can find here. To find Geertjan's Blog about this API and Interview with its creators, please click here.
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- Caching objects. The session is a transaction-level cache of persistent objects. You may also enable a JVM-level/cluster cache to memory and/or local disk.
- Executing SQL statements later, when needed. The session never issues an INSERT or UPDATE until it is actually needed. So if an exception occurs and you need to abort the transaction, some statements will never actually be issued. Furthermore, this keeps lock times in the database as short as possible (from the late UPDATE to the transaction end).
- Never updating unmodified objects. It is very common in hand-coded JDBC to see the persistent state of an object updated, just in case it changed.....for example, the user pressed the save button but may not have edited any fields. Hibernate always knows if an object's state actually changed, as long as you are inside the same (possibly very long) unit of work.
- Efficient Collection Handling. Likewise, Hibernate only ever inserts/updates/deletes collection rows that actually changed.
- Rolling two updates into one. As a corollary to (1) and (3), Hibernate can roll two seemingly unrelated updates of the same object into one UPDATE statement.
- Updating only the modified columns. Hibernate knows exactly which columns need updating and, if you choose, will update only those columns.
- Outer join fetching. Hibernate implements a very efficient outer-join fetching algorithm! In addition, you can use subselect and batch pre-fetch optimizations.
- Lazy collection initialization.
- Lazy object initialization. Hibernate can use runtime-generated proxies (CGLIB) or interception injected through bytecode instrumentation at build-time.
A few more (optional) features of Hibernate that your handcoded JDBC may or may not currently benefit from - second-level caching of arbitrary query results, from HQL, Criteria, and even native SQL queries
- efficient PreparedStatement caching (Hibernate always uses PreparedStatement for calls to the database)
- JDBC 2 style batch updates
- Pluggable connection pooling
For more information please follow this link Click here Technorati Tags: Hibernate , ORM
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